Use our order lookup feature to search and find previous orders on your Point of Sale Pro system and make quick, easy changes. 

Look up existing orders

  1. On your iPad, click on the settings icon on the top right of your POS Pro app.

  2. Go to “Orders” 

  3. Search for orders by date, order name, table name or amount. Newer orders will be listed first.

  4. You will find here your open, closed and canceled orders.

After clicking on the order you’re looking for, you can reprint the receipt, process an expense note, cancel the order, or modify the payment method. 

Print a duplicate receipt or expense note

Click on the order and select Receipt or Expense note. You can either receive the receipts by email or print them at your store. 

Why can’t I process expense notes?

Activate the expense note feature in your POS back office by going to Module > Payment > Expense Receipt.

Change the payment method of an existing order

Open an existing order and scroll down to where the payment method is shown. Click on the payment method and modify it by selecting another available payment method shown on screen. 

This feature is only available for orders from the current business day before closing your till.

I can’t see my past orders, what should I do?

Make sure you’re connected to the internet, this is essential when looking up past orders. 

Why can’t I send a receipt by email?

Activate this module in your POS Back office by going to Settings > Modules > Payment and activate email receipts.