To take an order from a meal-menu follow the next steps:

1. From the order screen click on the Meals key located in the top left.

2. Next select the meal-menu, which you will have created previously from the Backoffice in Products > Meals.

3. Indicate the number of meals and click on Validate.

4. Move forward by choosing the different products moving through the different steps you have set it. Once you have selected the products until the established number of meals, the next step will go through to the next one.

5. If there is a step you do not want to complete, at the moment (such as Desserts), you can leave it in blank by directly clicking on the Add button, without filling it with any product.

6. It will appear a pop-up asking you if you want to fil it now or if do you prefer to do it later.

7. If you select Later, the menu will not be completed. But you will finish completing it by clicking on the Meals to complete orange key at the top right.