First of all, you must activate the module from your Back Office following the next steps: 

1. Select Settings ⚙️ > Back Office 

2. Your modules > Store settings and activate the module > Customer account.

3. Go back to your App and select the first icon on the top right to save the changes. 

Then just follow the next steps:

1. From the order screen, click on the arrow in the top right to see the different options in the drop list.

2. Click on the first option Assign customer.

3. If you don't have the customer already created you can create a new customer by filling the Name, Surname and at least Phone number or email address fields.

4. Then click on the blue button at the bottom Create customer.

5. If the client was already created you will find it in the list on the left or you can also search for it using the search bar by any of the fields (Name, Surname, Phone number or email address).

6. Once created or selected, click on the blue button at the bottom right Assign to order.

You will be able to verify if the client has been successfully associated with the order since you will see his name at the top right followed by the order number.