In order to connect a via-cable printer to the SumUp app you'll need to follow this steps:

1. Go to your iPad settings and check that your iPad is connected to the SumUp network. (In case you don't see a SumUp Wifi, please click into this link)

2. Make sure you are always connected to the SumUp Wifi network. This will allow to the entire SumUp system to work properly. In case you were connected to previous wifis, you should click on them and select Forget this network.

3. Once you are on the SumUp Wifi Network, you can now go to your SumUp application, and go to Printers from the settings area.

4. You will see more than one printer available, therefore you can connect all of them and then link the associated role for each one of the printers. (If you need help to associate a role to a printer please click on this link)

5. You can finally press on test, in order to make sure that the printer works!