The seating plan is the main order page. It will allow you to see all your different Rooms and Tables on the applicationIn order to activate the Table/Seating Plan, you have to activate Table Layout and 2D Table Layout modules on your Back Office

If you will access your Back Office from your iPad, you simply go to Settings ⚙️> BackOffice, in the case you will access with your computer, open your browser and type: 

On your Back Office click on Configuration > Your modules

Select > Store Settings and activate the Table Layout and 2D Table Layout  modules by clicking on the the red circle to the right of the module. Finally, refresh your browser. 

You will notice on your left two new tabs Your Areas and Your tables. To create a new area, click on Your Areas > New Area 

Name the area and select the number of tables available in that area. Finally, click on ADD. 

To modify the naming of the tables or change the default number of persons able to sit on the table click on Your Tables. Subsequently, click on the table number you wish to modify. Finally, modify the available fields and click on Edit. 

Remember to synchronize your iPad to show your changes.